Monday, March 5, 2012

Once upon a time....

There lived an average girl with an average life with her average parents in a standard HDB unit with the personality of a lego brick.

She would wake up every day from mon to fri and took the train to her average paying job.....well I could go on to tell you how average her damn life is but I'm sure watching toenails grow would be way more exciting! Anyway this blog was started on a whim to document the beige-iy side of life, the slice of life that everyone colors a neutral shade of gray with a hint of yellow or salmon.

Or maybe not....from an outsiders view I wouldn't come off as 'average' maybe my pay range is but here's the not so average parts about me. I'm an out and about lesbian, sports several tattoos, I have stood naked several times in a room full of people while they draw and photograph me. And I have absolutely no shame to say that I feel frickin comfortable in my own skin. So that's about as unaverage I get.

I'll end here on an uninspiring note that I need to head into the shower and watch some silly telly.

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